
Monday, April 26, 2010

Photos from Network for Okinawa's Solidarity Rally in front of the Japanese Embassy in Washington, D.C. on April 25


  1. Today, on the 3rd page of our local newspaper is an article titled, "90,000 rally against relocating base." There is even a picture.

    It's a bit scary to think that the people of Okinawa are banding together so strongly to get rid of the military and still many people on Guam welcome it. There must be something off if these people are working so hard to rid themselves of it!

  2. Hi Drea,

    Women for Genuine Security members and others who support Guahan are also in the Network for Okinawa. Many of us are networked with the brilliant Chamorro leaders and are committed to democracy for residents of your island where a small number of people are opposing the traditional middle class who don't want the build-up.

