
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Okinawan Democracy

Okinawan opposition to US MV-22 Osprey aircraft testing and flight training.

(Photo: Naofumi Nakato

Friday, October 12, 2012

Neconote Flea Market for Tohoku Vol. 1 ねこのてフリーマーケット for 東北 Vol.1 @Kyoto 京都 Oct. 21

Neconote Team at Charity Event in Shiga December 2011
We are still a long way from recovery in Tohoku. At Neconote we believe that every contribution counts! Building upon previous and ongoing Kansai-based efforts to support revitilization in the disaster areas, we hope to continue with that momentum with the bi-annual Neconote Flea Market for Disaster Recovery. All funds will be contributed to local organizations in Tohoku (More details below). Hope to see you on the 21st!



Sunday, October 21 10am-4pm

Higashiyama Ikiki Shinimkatsudo Center
Location: 3-5 minute walk from Sanjo Keihan Station. Map at link below:

Items for sale! フリーマーケットで販売する商品は!!!

1. 古着や本
We will have used books and very good quality used clothes for sale.

Kame comi towels (info below) for purchase. They support the work of a cafe in Ishinomaki in spreading news and information throughout the city and region through community events and a community newspaper.
かわいいでしょう? (日本語 Japanese) (日本語 Japanese) (日本語と英語 Japanese and English)

3. 阿部水産の海苔
Seaweed products from an Ishinomaki producer whose factory was destroyed

4. 気仙沼タコアトリエ生まれの「小原木タコちゃん」。
Takochan made by a group in Kessenuma小原木タコちゃん/312809398765515

5. フクシマと日本のエネルギーの将来に関する私たちの本「Fresh Currents (新たな潮流)」の本
Kyoto Journal/Heian-Kyo Media publication, "Fresh Currents," on Fukushima and renewable energy alternatives.


All proceeds will go to the three local Tohoku organizations noted above. We focus on supporting local organizations in the disaster area and making sure that we never forget what has happened and is still taking place in Tohoku.


So far we have
1. Folk, traditional and popular song artist Felicity Greenland歌声喫茶/202790364542?fref=ts

2. Eric Johnston (Japan Times) to talk about Fresh Currents and shifting from a nuclear past to a renewable future
3. 3 unlikely characters- Honami, Jen and Tokuda- one guitar, two vocalists:)
4. LOOKING FOR MORE! Contact us if you are interested in lending your artistic talents to support Tohoku!

If you'd like to collaborate in some way, do contact us! We are all about linking up!

contact: ねこのて
Jennifer Teeter- 英語・日本語 English/Japanese
Tokuda Hiroyuki- 日本語 Japanese (英語・日本語 English/Japanese)
Download this flyer here

Thursday, October 11, 2012

グリーンハート・プロジェクト 寄付キャンペーン Greenheart Indiegogo Crowd funding Campaign (until Nov. 1st / 11月1日まで)

(English Below)
もし、環境に一切負荷を与えず、しかも、これまで好条件の市場や漁場へのアクセスが不可能だった数多くの 人々が活用できる、海上輸送手段があったとしたら?




環境汚染物質を排出せず、燃料を消費せず、港湾施設の整っていない発展途上国の海岸線へのアクセスを可能 にし、しかも長期航海に耐えうる船があったなら―

そのようなアイデアから始まったこのプロジェクトは、これまで数年の時間をかけてリサーチを行い、専門家の 意見をもとに計画を進めてきました。そしてこのような船は、大型船舶によって世界市場を動かす大企業で はなく、周りを海に囲まれた環境にありながら、安価で便利な輸送手段をもたない貧しい地域に暮らす何億もの 人々にとって、切実に必要とされていることを実感してきました。健全な市場 に出て適切な価格で取引を行うことができる―それだけで、彼らの暮らしは大きく変わるのです。


*燃料を使用しない―これが意味するのは、燃料費がかからない、CO²やその他の有毒物質を排出しない、といっ たことだけでなく、燃料補給のための停泊も必要としません。地域ごとの適切な人件費、費用はそれだけなのです。 *メンテナンスが容易―燃料エンジンに依存していないため、メンテナンスの回数もより少なく、費用も抑えられます



現在の太陽光発電パネルは環境にやさしく、高効率ですが、出力に限りがあります。船の主な動 力は風ですから、このサイズの船に必要な補助電力と、生活に必 要な電力(電灯や冷蔵庫、海水の濾過)が発電できる大きさでいいのです。


*船尾をロールオン・ロールオフ式にして、さまざまな種類の船荷を運んだりエコツーリズムの要素 を加えたりできる

また私たちは、船の耐性や修理面、操作のしやすさなども踏まえて設計に取り組んでいます。どれほど偉大な 志や決意があっても、自分達で操作できなければ意味が無いからです。


目標とする資金は$120,000 (寄付サイト


私たちは皆さんからの支援によって、船の建設費用を集めています。この支援は ただ募金するだけでなく、その金額によって特典がつきます。特典には、 船に名前を記載したり、実際に特定距離を一緒に航海したり、もちろん クルーとして航海に参加するというものも含まれています。すでに名 乗りを上げてくれている企業からの支援金に皆さんからのサポートが加わることにより、誰にでも操作で きる最新技術を搭載した、丈夫な船を完成させることができるのです。


初めの一隻は 小さい一歩 に思えるかもしれませんが、それは何千もの人々の暮らしに、影響を及ぼ すかもしれません。その一隻はやがて何十、何百、何千隻もの船の、世界で最初の一隻になるのです。

処女航海は様々な環境や条件に対するテスト航行となり、実用的で 多様な活動をしながら世界をめぐる、6万マイルの距離を予定しています。


We all know that we need to live more sustainably. However, when be purhcase products from the stores, or even try to build an eco-house, we are forced to depend on transportation services that pollute. When we buy fair trade products, the producers still do not have full control over how their products get delivered. For these, and many other reasons, Greenheart is making small-scale solar- and wind-powered ships to shake up the shipping industry.

Greenheart is making completely fuel-free, sail- and solar-poweredsmall ship specially designed to provide marginalized coastal communities around the world with an affordable means of sustainable marinetransport.

The driving features of the designs are:
  1. Cheap to build, maintain, & operate
  2. Easy, basic, and tested technologies Zero-emissions, low stress on theenvironment
  3. A sailing mast that doubles as a cargo crane
  4. Shallow and tough enough to service beachesand unimproved ports

Who Benefits?
  • World shipping is making efforts to movetowards cleaner vessels. Present technology limits truly clean (zero-emission) ships toabout Greenheart’s size. We are helping to push those limits upwards.
  • Small-scale, no range limits nor fuel costsmake this an appropriate development tool –giving struggling coastal communitiesaround the world profitable access to globalmarkets. A leapfrog technology for marginalized economies.
  • People everywhere are inspired by simple clean and elegant solutions that promise abetter future. Greenheart’s maiden voyages will accentuate positive publicity and innovative thinking.
For more information, visit Greenheart's campaign site which will be running until November 1st and help them reach their ambitious goal of $120,000!

In exchange for donatiosn, Greenheart will send you a $10 or $20 voucher to buy any goods at the retailers listed below. There are no restrictions on what you buy with the vouchers, all they ask is you try to shop as locally as possible.
  • $25 Perk - On top of other gifts you get a $10 Shopping voucher
  • $50 & $75 Perk - Add a $20 Shopping voucher
 The vouchers will be sent out at the end of the campaign in November, in time for the holidays.
North America
Global Exchange [2 stores in San Francisco, Wash. D.C., Virginia]
Haiti Projects [Boston + Online Shop]
Traditions Café and World Folk Art [Olympia, Washington]
Rapanui Clothing (UK) [Isle of Wight Shop + Online Shop]
Tres Hombres [Netherlands – Rum and Madeira ]

You can also receive an all natural bamboo speaker for your iphone, or ship your own items on the world's first fuel-free cargo ship, or get on the boat yourself!

Check out the campaign site at:

Message from Okinawa to the World: "Life is Precious"

Nuchi du Takara ("Life is precious") banner 
Takae, an eco-village in the rainforest of Yanbaru, northern Okinawa
Photo: Ken Miyagi 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Support Brazillian Music and Dance in Japan Oct 6- Capoeira Zoador Academy

Capoeira Kids at Asakusa Samba Carnival 2012
Capoeira Zoador, a long supporter of Brazilian music and dance in Japan, is holding a fundraiser to keep their operations going. Their children's academy will have a bake sale, which will be followed by a cartwheel-a-thon, and a live samba and bossa nova mixer.

Drop by the studio and show your support!
Saturday October 6th 2012 

Capoeira Zoador Academy Kids Bake Sale!
Who: Capoeira Zoador Kids
When: 10:00-15:00
Where: In front of Capoeira Zoador Academy Magome
What: Yummy Goodies donated by Capoeira Zoador Kids Moms and Dads
Who: Anybody Welcome When: 13:00-Finished
Where: Capoeira Zoador Academy Magome
Live Samba and Bossa Nova Mixer
Who: Special Guest from Rio de Janeiro “Robson Amaral”
When: 17:00-21:00
Where: Capoeira Zoador Academy Magome
What: Kids Yummy Bake Sale Goodies, Imported Beer and drinks
Live Music, Special Performances!
No Door Charge! 

For donations or more information, visit